Bioplastic articles

There are hundreds of articles, videos, and foto on the subject of bio-plastics. Below are some of the articles that give an insight on the benefits of bio-plastics and our PLA Bottles. Information on the environmental footprint of polylactic acid (PLA), compostability of bioplastics and how the EU is reacting to the rise of bioplastics.
We believe in bio-plastic. Thats’s why we only use bio-plastics PLA bottles for our water, milk, juice.


bio-plastic bottles end of life solutions

In this study we provide up-to-date cradle-to-gate information on the environmental footprint of polylactic acid (PLA) produced in Thailand at a commercial scale, covering emerging topics such as water footprint and direct land-use change.


For several years now, there has been debate between the (organic) waste treatment companies and the companies producing compostable plastics, organised in Holland Bioplastics (HB) about the acceptance of compostable (packaging) products in source separated municipal organic waste (GFT).

The growing number of plastic products and packaging marketed as ‘biodegradable’ or ‘(home) compostable’ raises the question of the extent to which biodegradability and (home) compostability of plastic is beneficial in the context of the transition towards a circular economy. 

Why use PLA bottles?

Check out the comparison of the different packaging materials on: CO2 emissions, energy use, and water use.

ASTM standards - benefits of PLA
Play Video about ASTM standards - different logo's compostability
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Why do we put our natural products into oil based packaging? it those not make sense. Plant-based packaging is a much better alternative. Use PLA bottles  

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We make PLA bottles differently. We use plant-based material. Not the toxic fossil plastic made from oil, sugarcane is our resource. 

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Our plant-based, compostable, PLA bottles are good for closed loop venues.

Drawing of the difference on CO2 footprint per ton of produced polymer. Shown here is that PLA has a much lowest outcome than all of the fossil polymers. That’s why we believe in bio-plastic (PLA) Bottles. 

Different plants and their annual carbohydrate yield per hectare. 
Sugar cane has one of the highest yields of all the feedstock used for producing PLA. We use this for our PLA blant-based bottle. 

Production steps in PLA production and the CO2 footprint explanation. PLA has a very low CO2 footprint because the sugar cane take out CO2 in the grow process. 

Vivian discusses what is a bioplastic, if it’s a sustainable solution for us, and how to work together to create a more sustainable Earth. Vivian is a 15-year-old advocate for mental health and the environment through volunteering. 

What is PLA – Polylactic acid. An explenation of this plant-based and compostable plastic (bottle). It uses and the scientific structure.  

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